Meet Dan Gillerman

The “Holocaust served as a warning to all people of the profound dangers of hatred, bigotry, and racism.”

These were the wise words Israeli ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman contributed to the discourse in occasion of the UN General Assembly’s decision to adopt a resolution on Holocaust denial in 2007, a resolution whose text stressed “that all people and States have a vital stake in a world free of genocide.”

Of course, this is the same Dan Gillerman who – exactly a year ago – was casually engaging in public incitement of genocide against North Korea.

But fear not for Mr. Gillerman: as neither Israel nor the US are parties to the statute of the International Criminal Court (and with good reason), you can rest assured that we are not likely to see him served with an indictement for directly and publicly inciting others to commit genocide, punishable under the Rome Statute, article 25/3(e).