Children beware: the Wicked White Widow is back!

Ever eager to prove that whatever commitment to truth they had left is now entirely replaced with contempt for their readers’ I.Q., Mainstream Media #presstitutes happily resurrect the cartoon character known as “The White Widow”, a.k.a. Samantha Lewthwaite, at regular intervals, whenever the time is right. Today, for example. Because we all need a good laugh on Sundays. And also … Continue reading

Gazans were slaughtered. The EU has no comment

Of course, we are aware of the European Union’s commitment to the full and effective protection of Human Rights everywhere. After all, The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union (EU) “for over six decades [of contribution] to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”. So, when it comes to the “full … Continue reading

Meet Dan Gillerman

The “Holocaust served as a warning to all people of the profound dangers of hatred, bigotry, and racism.” These were the wise words Israeli ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman contributed to the discourse in occasion of the UN General Assembly’s decision to adopt a resolution on Holocaust denial in 2007, a resolution whose text stressed “that all people and … Continue reading